ISCBacademy Upcoming Webinars

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ISCBacademy is an online webinar series including the ISCB COSI, COVID webinars, Indigenous Voices and practical tutorials. We aim to inspire, connect, and communicate the science while providing a hands-on experience accessing and using newly developed bioinformatics tools while ensuring best practices for rigour and reproducibility.

The chemical exposure network: a multi-scale study of the impact of chemicals in human health
by Salvo D. Lomardo

May 21, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT

Chemical exposures exert a significant impact on individual and public health, yet no unifying view exists on how diverse chemical compounds may interfere with biological processes and contribute to disease risk. Here, we adopt a network-based approach to construct a comprehensive map connecting 9,887 exposures through their shared genetic impact. This map can be used to define classes of exposures that affect the same biomolecular processes, even if they are chemically distinct. We found that exposures target specific modules within the human interactome of protein-protein interactions and that their harmfulness is related to their interactome connectivity. A systematic comparison between the interactome modules affected by exposures and disease-associated modules suggested that their interactome proximity can be used to predict exposure-disease relationships. We have validated our predictions through nationwide disease prevalence data. As a case study, we discuss the potential health implications of Endrin, a pesticide prevalent in Italian agricultural soil. Taken together, our study provides a blueprint for the systematic investigation of the pathobiological impact of chemical exposures ranging from the molecular to the population level.

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