The Fourth International Conference on Computational Biology:
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology '96
June 12 to 15, 1996
Washington University,
St. Louis, Missouri USA
Conference Information
Registration and other online forms
Local Registration (access limited to Washington University)
St. Louis
The Fourth International Conference on Computational Biology:
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology '96 will take place at
Washington University,
St. Louis, Missouri, USA June 12 to 15, 1996.
The purpose of the ISMB conference is to disseminate the latest
developments in computational molecular biology and biophysics and to
stimulate new work on the application of intelligent computational
systems to problems in molecular biology. ISMB is a multidisciplinary
conference bringing together scientists from computer science,
mathematics, statistics, and molecular biology. The scope extends to
any computational method or system supporting a biological task that
is algorithmically, cognitively or conceptually challenging, involves
a synthesis of heterogeneous information, or exhibits the emergent
properties of an "intelligent system." From a computational
perspective, areas of interest include adaptive systems, intelligent
experimental control, data modelling, machine learning, artificial
intelligence, combinatorics, stochastic optimization, string & graph
algorithms, linguistic methods, and parallel computer technologies.
Biological areas of interest include molecular structure, genomics,
molecular sequence analysis, evolution and phylogenetics, adaptive
experimental systems, and molecular biology generally. Emphasis is
placed on the validation of methods using real data sets and on
practical application in the biological sciences.
The ISMB conference has attracted large and enthusiatic audiences
of scientists involved in application areas including artificial
intelligence, structural biology, DNA, RNA and protein sequence
analysis and structure prediction, genome mapping, gene
identification, molecular biology data and knowledge bases, and
modelling of biochemical processes. We are continuing the tradition
of soliciting original papers which will be rigorously refereed and
published (by AAAI Press and the MIT Press) in proceedings available
at the conference. The conference proceedings are indexed in the
Medline database.
The four-day conference will feature introductory and advanced
tutorials (on June 12th), and presentations of original refereed
papers, posters and invited talks (June 12-15).
Previous ISMB Meetings
- 1993: National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA
- 1994:
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA
- 1995:
Robinson College, Cambridge, UK
ISMB-96 Organizing Committee
- David J. States, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- Pankaj Agarwal, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- Terry Gaasterland, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL
- Lawrence Hunter, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD
- Randall F. Smith, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
ISMB-96 Program Committee
Russ Altman, Stanford University, USA
Kiyoshi Asai, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan
Steven Brenner, University of Cambridge, UK
Soren Brunak, Centre for Biological Sequence Analysis, Denmark
Douglas Brutlag, Stanford University, USA
Barbara Bryant, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, USA
Dominic Clark, Glaxo Wellcome PLC, UK
Dan Davison, University of Houston, USA
Trevor Dix, Monash University, Australia
Andreas Dress, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Sean Eddy, Washington University, USA
Jacquelyn Fetrow, University at Albany, USA
Bob Futrelle, Northeastern University, USA
Will Gillett, Washington University USA
Warren Gish, Washington University, USA
Janice Glasgow, Queens University, Canada
Michael Gribskov, San Diego Supercomputer Centre, USA
Nomi Harris, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
David Haussler, University of California Santa Cruz, USA
LaDeana Hillier, Washington University USA
Peter Karp, SRI International, USA
Toni Kazic, Washington University, St Louis, USA
Eileen Kraemer, Washington University USA
Alan Lapedes, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Rick Lathrop, University of California, Irvine, USA
Thomas Lengauer, GMD-SCAI, Germany
Suzanna Lewis, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Marcie McClure, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Satoru Miyano, Kyushu University, Japan
Richard Mott, Sanger Center, UK
Art Olson, Scripps Institute, USA
Chris Overton, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Rebecca Parsons, University of Central Florida, USA
Chris Rawling, SmithKline Beecham, USA
Otto Ritter, German Cancer Centre, Germany
Burkhard Rost, EMBL, Germany
Steven Salzberg, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Chris Sander, EMBL-Heidelberg, Germany
David Searls, SmithKline Beecham, USA
Christoph Sensen, National Research Council, Canada
Jude Shavlik, University of Wisconsin, USA
Gary Stormo, University of Colorado, USA
Ed Uberbacher, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Teresa Webster, Stanford University, USA
Host Institutions
The ISMB-96 conference is being jointly hosted by:
Keynote Speakers
Poster Session
Abstracts deadline: May 15, 1996
A poster session will be held at the meeting to allow informal
presentation of late breaking results and work in progress. One page
abstracts for these posters will be included in a booklet (separate
from the proceedings).
The ISMB meetings are unique in bringing together biological and
computational scientists with interests in computational biology.
With the automation of the experimental laboratory and the increasing
use of databases and advanced information systems in the biotechnology
industry, many employment opportunities exist for such individuals.
To facilitate contact between job candidates and prospective
employers, we have established an employment opportunities database
for ISMB-96.
You do not have to register for ISMB'96 to post either a
job-opening announcement or your resume as long as it is relevant to
computational biology.
Both commercial and academic employers are encouraged to utilize this
service. Rooms will be available at the conference for the purpose of
employment meetings and conducting interviews.
Vendor Fair
Equipment demonstration and display facilities will be available for
interested and relevant vendors. The vendors will have to arrange for
all the equipment that they require. There is no extra charge, but
commercial registration charges will apply for all
representatives. The display may be in the main lobby or on another
floor depending upon available space. Send email to
ismb96@ibc.wustl.edu with detailed request. Application deadline: May
15, 1996.
Funds are available to support students, postdocs, and junior faculty,
who wish to attend ISMB'96. A portion of the funds are limited to US
citizens/permanent residents. Please complete the online application form, if you wish to be
considered. Application deadline: May 1, 1996.
Registration Costs
Charges ISMB-96 (US dollars)
Full-time student/postdoc: $ 295
Academic/Government: $ 350
Commercial: $ 600
The registration charges include admission, a copy of the proceedings,
mixer on June 12 evening, all meals on June 13-15, 1996 (except dinner
on June 13 and 14). A late fee of $50 for students/academic and $100
for commercial participants will apply after May 1, 1996. Tutorials
and meals on June 12 will cost an additional $125. Registration does
not include housing, though we have blocked rooms at some nearby
Tutorial Costs
Tutorials will take place on June 12, 1996. Tutorial registration
includes admission to a morning and afternoon tutorial, accompanying
notes, and meals for June 12.
Tutorial Fees
Full-time student: $35 (for 2 tutorials)
(We strongly encourage all students to attend two tutorials.)
Other: $95 (for 1 tutorial)
Other: $125 (for 2 tutorials)
Tutorial Schedule
Morning Tutorials (10 am - 1pm):
T-1 Intro to Molecular Biology (Roth)
T-2 Intro to Machine Learning for Molecular Biology (Shavlik & Salzberg)
T-3 Intro to Molecular Evolution and Phylogenic Reconstruction (McClure)
T-4 Hidden Markov Models, Part 1: Using and understanding HMMs (UCSC group)
Afternoon Tutorials ( 2-5pm):
T-5 Automated Microbial Genome Analysis (Gaasterland & Sensen)
T-6 Computation with Metabolic Pathways (Ouzounis & Karp)
T-7 Recurrent Processes in Genome Evolution (Sankoff)
T-8 Hidden Markov Models, Part 2: Building HMMs (UCSC group)
HMM tutorials (T4 and T8)
Registration closed on May 31, 1996
Instructors: Kevin Karplus, Kimmen Sjolander, Richard Hughey, Leslie Grate.
The morning and afternoon sessions are designed to give attendees an
introduction to the theory underlying HMMs and direct hands-on
experience building HMMs. Tutorial attendees will be encouraged to
bring alignments in progress for refinement, search databases for
homologous sequences, and so on. Attendance at both sessions is
encouraged, since most of the theoretical aspects will be covered in
the morning session, and advanced methods covered in the afternoon
The morning session will enable attendees to build HMMs for existing
alignments, search databases with these HMMs, and understand how to
interpret these models. The theoretical issues covered during the
morning session will include the mathematical foundations of
stochastic models in general, and hidden Markov models in particular;
Bayesian probability and information theory, and their relationship;
the relationships between HMMs, profiles, and multiple alignments; and
Expectation-Maximization (EM) and Maximum Likelihood parameter
estimation techniques.
The afternoon session is designed to equip participants to use hidden
Markov model software (whether SAM or HMMer) to construct HMMs from
unaligned sequences, refine existing alignments, and recognize fairly
remote homologs in sequence databases through the use of sophisticated
weighting schemes and incorporation of prior information.
Conference Accommodatation
Getting to St. Louis, Travel, Discount Airfares
Additional items available for purchase on Friday and Saturday (June 14, 15)
Full-length manuscripts from papers accepted for oral presentation
will be published in archival proceedings. Copies will be distributed
at the conference to registered attendees, and extra copies will be
available for purchase from the publisher subsequently.
The ISMB Proceedings are indexed in Medline and distributed to more
than 1500 libraries worldwide.
Proceedings from the previous ISMB meetings are available from
AAAI Press.
Key Dates
Poster Submissions:
Tutorial Presentations:
Future Conferences
The organising committee of ISMB-96 would like to invite expressions
of interest from any groups who would like to put themselves forward
as hosts for the 1998 ISMB conferences. We anticipate that 1998 should
be in North America. Expressions of interest should be emailed to ismb-org@ibc.wustl.edu.
Note: these hotlinks use a "mailto" feature of HTML that is not supported
by all WWW viewers. If you encounter an error, just use regular email.
David J. States (states@ibc.wustl.edu)
Pankaj Agarwal (agarwal@ibc.wustl.edu)
Terry Gaasterland (gaasterl@mcs.anl.gov)
Lawrence Hunter (hunter@work.nlm.nih.gov)
Randall F. Smith (rsmith@imgen.bcm.tmc.edu)
Institute for Biomedical Computing
Washington University School of Medicine
700 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110-1012
Phone: (314) 362-2134
FAX: (314) 362-0234
contact page is available for links to ISMB people's home
pages (including people from ISMB-94).
A distribution mailing list is available for people who want to be
informed about ISMB matters. Join it by sending mail to majordomo@ibc.wustl.edu with
the words
subscribe ismb96
as the body of the message.
Local Arrangements
The people responsible for the local organization, adminsitrative
support, and systems support.
- Ken Kaiser
- Hugh Chou
- Deborah Peterson
- Shirley Gonzalez-Rubio
ISMB-96 Home Page / June 16, 1996