Student Council Symposium (SCS4)
The 4th ISCB Student Council Symposium is a student-organized event
featuring keynote lectures, oral presentations and a poster session. In addition to previous years, a career event will be
organized with a variety of distinguished speakers from industry and academia. The Symposium is tailored mainly to undergraduate and
graduate students as well as post-docs in computational biology and related disciplines. This is once again a unique opportunity to meet
fellow students and researchers for networking and exchange of ideas in a great setting.
Visual Reflections on Science
Visual Reflections on Science is an event organized by the ISCB Student Council, a student-led section of ISCB whose mission is the development of the next generation of computational biologists.
Visual Reflections on Science

Visual Reflections on Science is an event organized by the ISCB Student Council, a student-led section of ISCB whose mission is the development of the next generation of computational biologists.