Education Committee
The Education Committee promotes worldwide education and training in computational biology as well as serving as a resource and advisor to institutions and industry interested in developing educational programs. Please visit for more information about the committee.
Co-chair: Cath Brooksbank
Co-chair: Nicola Mulder
Co-chair: Venkata P. Satagopam
Teresa Attwood
Cecilia Arighi
Erich Baker
George Bell
Panayiotis Benos
Mainá Bitar
Mark Borodovsky
Michelle Brazas
Cath Brooksbank
James Coker
Manuel Corpas
Lynda Ellis
Bruno Gaeta
Rachel Karchin
Alastair Kilpatrick
Judit Kumuthini
Ben Langmead
Annette McGrath
Ann Meyer
Sarah Morgan
Dusanka Nikolic
Francis Ouellette
Patricia Palagi
Mark Pauley
William Pearson
Helen Piontkivska
Mary Piper
Shoba Ranganathan
Anne Rosenwald
Gabriella Rustici
Clare Sansom
Vicky Schneider
Russell Schwartz
Ozlem Tastan Bishop
Celia Van Gelder
Dennis Wang
Tandy Warnow
TinWee Tan