Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

Individual Membership Dues

Dues are listed in US dollars (USD). We accept most major credit cards, and if your local currency is not USD you will receive your bank's prevailing exchange rate (which is usually quite competitive).  You can determine your dues using the Dues Calculator.

Each ISCB membership is valid for one full year from the date of receipt of payment. This means your membership will be activated the day payment is received, and will expire 365 days later.  Early renewals will be extended 365 days from the current membership expiration date. ISCB membership dues are tiered (high income, middle-upper income, middle-lower income, and low income) based on country assignments using four global economic indicators (Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Income, Wealth per capita, and Median Wealth per capita). Economic indicators are reviewed biennially.

If you want to sign up your entire team be sure to check out the Laboratory and Institutional Memberships

Professional memberships apply to all members who are post education and/or no longer in a post-doctoral training position.
Professional - PH Dues Category
(working in an High Income Country based on ranking of economies)
Professional - PUM Dues Category
(working in an Upper-Middle Income County based on ranking of economies)
Professional - PLM Dues Category
(working in a Lower-Middle Income County based on ranking of economies)
Professional - PL Dues Category
(working in a Low Income Country based on ranking of economies)
Professional Multi-Year or Lifetime Membership
Avoid annual renewals by purchasing a multiple-year or lifetime membership now! CLICK HERE for details.

You can determine your dues using the Dues Calculator.

Post Doctoral memberships are available to members in post-doctoral training positions.
Post Doctoral - PDH Dues Category
(working in an High Income Country based on ranking of economies)
Post Doctoral - PDUM Dues Category
(studying in an Upper-Middle Income Country based on ranking of economies)
Post Doctoral - PDLM Dues Category
(studying in a Lower-Middle Income Country based on ranking of economies)
Post Doctoral - PDL Dues Category
(studying in a Low Income Country based on ranking of economies)

You can determine your dues using the Dues Calculator.

Student memberships are available to all full-time students.
Student - SH Dues Category
(studying in an High Income Country based on ranking of economies)
Student - SUM Dues Category
(studying in an Upper-Middle Income Country based on ranking of economies)
Student - SLM Dues Category
(studying in a Lower-Middle Income Country based on ranking of economies)
Student - SL Dues Category
(studying in a Low Income Country based on World Bank ranking of economies)

You can determine your dues using the Dues Calculator.

New and returning Professional members who are unemployed at the time of registration may submit a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for approval to register at the Post Doctoral rate within the H, UM, LM, or L residence dues category for one year only.