GOPArcII - new features of the GeneOntology and Pathways Architecture
Daniela Bartels1, Alexander Goesmann2, Oliver Rupp, Folker Meyer
1Daniela.Bartels@Genetik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE, Center for Genome Research, Bielefeld University; 2Alexander.Goesmann@Genetik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE, Center for Genome Research, Bielefeld University
We present GOPArcII, a new version of our comprehensive,
open source framework for the integration of functional
classifications and metabolic pathways.
GOPArcII is based on a relational database including the
GeneOntology categories and mappings provided by the
GO consortium, COGs (Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins)
categories and the KEGG pathway data.
GOPArc enables a user not only to view and search this data, but
also to search in genome, transcriptome and proteome
data from the perspective of functional categories and metabolic
pathways. We have integrated the GOPArc system with
our GenDB genome annotations system and our EMMA microarray
database system.
GOPArc provides an object oriented Perl-API which enables
programmers to easily retrieve classification and metabolic
data from the database.
The user interface is implemented in Perl Gtk and offers an extensible
interface for data integration.