The Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Server
Alexander Sczyrba1, Jan Krueger2, Robert Giegerich, Bielefeld University, Germany;, Bielefeld University, Germany
The Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Server (BiBiServ),,
supports Internet-based collaborative research and education in
bioinformatics. Currently, 15 software tools and various educational
media are available.
Bioinformatics Tools
A web service like BiBiServ allows to distribute current
bioinformatics tools to the public, independent of the operating system
and the (software-technical) experience of the user. The user needs a
browser and Internet access. Interaction with the tools is moderated
by a web interface, providing user guidance and requiring only a
minimum of special skills (e.g. knowledge of input formats,
parameters, etc.). The BiBiServ tool section currently
contains bioinformatics tools from five different areas:
- Genome Comparison:
- REPuter: efficient and complete detection of various
types of repeats
- MGA: Multiple Genome Aligner
- AGenDA: Alignment-based Gene Detection Algorithm
- Alignments:
- DIALIGN: segment-based multiple sequence alignments
- DCA: Divide-and-Conquer Multiple Sequence Alignment
- JALI: Jumping Alignments
- AltAVisT: Alternative Alignment Visualization Tool
- TSDA: Pairwise alignment of recombinant DNA sequences
- Primer Design:
- GeneFisher:Design of degenerate PCR primers for
known or unknown targets
- RNA Studio:
- paRNAss: Prediction of Alternating RNA Secondary
- RNA Movies: Animated visualization of a series of
RNA secondary structures
- RNA Forester: RNA structure alignment and motif
- pknotsRG: RNA folding and thermodynamic matching,
including (some) pseudoknots
- Evolutionary Relationships:
- ROSE: Sequence data generator under a random model
of sequence evolution
- SplitsTree: Distance-based phylogeny
reconstruction based on split-decomposition
Educational Media
Bioinformatics is a fast and dynamic field. While methods and
resources agglomerate, a continuous stream of newcomers is entering
the field. Most academic bioinformatics curricula have started only
recently. The integration of knowledge from biology and computer
science requires a significant educational effort. The BiBiServ
Media & Distance-Education section supports teaching in
bioinformatics with internet-based multimedia courses. Currently there
are four online courses and tutorials available on BiBiServ:
- The ADP pages: Interactive pages that allows to study and
experiment with classical dynamic programming algorithms,
formulated in the framework of Algebraic Dynamic
- Systematic Dynamic Programming: Notes from a
tutorial given at ISMB 2000.
- SADR - Sequence analysis with distributed resources: A
newcomer's course teaching how to use standard bioinformatics tools.
The course material includes URLs, references, and illustrative
animations. It was taught frequently from various sites, and
was presented as a tutorial at ISMB 1998.
- BCD archive: The complete documentation of two
internet-based, interactive courses on bioinformatics taught in 1996
and 1997 (hypertext lecture notes, session protocols, evaluation,