Sabiá - System for Automated Bacterial Integrated Annotation

Ana Tereza R. Vasconcelos1, Roger Paixao2, Rangel C. Souza, Luiz Gonzaga, Gisele C. da Costa, Frank J. A. Barrientos, Marcelo T. dos Santos and Darcy F. de Almeida., Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica;, Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica

A new tool called System for Automated Bacterial Integrated Annotation - SABIA (sabiá being a very well-known bird in Brazil) was developed for the assembly and annotation of bacterial genomes. This system performs automatic tasks of assembly analysis, ORFs identification/analysis, and extragenic regions analysis. Genome assembly and contigs automatic annotation data are also available in the same working environment. The system integrates several public domain and newly developed software programs capable of dealing with several types of databases and it can be portable to different operational systems. These programs interact with most of the well-known biological data banks/softwares such as Glimmer, the BLAST family programs, Interpro, COG, Kegg, Psort, GO, tRNAScan, RBSFinder and they can be also used to identify the genome's metabolic pathways.