The next Rocky conference will be announced here soon.
9th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference
ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Dec 01: The Rocky 2011 Program Book is now available (.pdf) • Nov 15: The Dec 08 banquet has sold out. To be placed on a wait list, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . • MARC Travel Fellowship Application (.doc) - Deadline Nov. 04 •Download the Rocky 2011 Promotional Flyer (.pdf) |
SPONSORS: Platinum: |
Gold: |
Silver: |
Welcome to Rocky 2011!
Welcome to the ninth annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference, a meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). The organizers hope that you enjoy the program, and find the conference a productive opportunity to meet researchers, students and industrial users of bioinformatics technology.
The Rocky series began nine years ago as a regional conference, and has grown into an international program with a spotlight on regional development in the computational biosciences. The presenters of the Rocky conference are scientists representing a broad spectrum of universities, industrial enterprises, government laboratories, and medical libraries from around the world. The meeting is a chance to get to know your colleagues near and far, seek collaborative opportunities, and find synergies that can drive our field forward.
We hope you enjoy the science, the company, and the spectacular scenery of the Rocky Mountains. Welcome!
Larry Hunter
Rocky 2011 Conference Chair
Rocky 2010 Comments
- 100% of the delegates found the conference met or exceeded their expectations
- 100% of the delegates found the conference was good value
- 90% of the delegates said they would attend again
- "This was my first time attending the meeting. I was very dubious about the 10 minute talks. I was completely wrong. The talks were great. The conference was very well organized."
- "Really, really enjoyed the keynotes this year - great mix, great speakers."
- "As always, wonderful meeting in a great location. It is an excellent mix of different areas of science and a great way to meet new people. See you next year too."
- "As a student who was originally trained in the biological sciences, it was simply delightful to meet many computational biologists, statisticians and computer scientists who are actively designing the tools on which I rely very heavily to do my work. I received good feedback, suggestions, and advice on how to move my current project forward. The suggestions on how to publish my data were also quite welcomed and I am most grateful. I look forward to attending the conference next year and hopefully doing so with novel data. Thank you."
- "This has been a great conference. I look forward to attending next year."