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Rocky 2015 Program Book

13th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference


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Go directly to: [Friday - December 11] [Saturday - December 12]

WEDNESDAY – December 9, 2015
04:00 pm 06:00 pm Registration

THURSDAY – December 10, 2015
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LOCATION: Ballroom
08:00 am 09:00 am Breakfast
08:00 am 06:00 pm Registration
09:30 am 10:15 am Keynote 1
Karin Verspoor
Accelerating Biomedical Discovery through large-scale Heterogeneous Data Integration
10:15 am 10:25 am OP 01
Automatic mining of user reviews might reveal potentially unsafe nutritional products

Graciela Gonzalez Hernandez, Arizona State University
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10:25 am 10:35 am OP 02
Regulatory network inference: use of whole brain- vs brain region-specific gene expression data in the mouse

Ronald Taylor, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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10:35 am 10:45 am OP 03 community-aggregated variant annotations as a service

Jiwen Xin, The Scripps Research Institute
10:45 am 11:05 am Break
11:05 am 11:15 am OP 04
Flowr: Robust and efficient workflows using a simple language agnostic approach

Sahil Seth, MD Anderson Cancer Center
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11:15 am 11:25 am OP 05
In-silico identification of prognostically inversely correlated miRNA - mRNA pairs in multiple cancers

Chirayu Goswami, Thomas Jefferson University
11:25 am 11:35 am OP 06
A framework for reproducible computational research

Apua Paquola, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
11:35 am 11:45 am OP 07
GraDe-SVM: Graph-Diffused Classification for the Analysis of Somatic Mutations in Cancer

Morteza Chalabi, Southern University of Denmark (SDU)
11:45 am 12:00 pm Technical Talk
Tom Hraha, Research Scientist, SomaLogic, Inc.

Large-Scale Longitudinal Biomarker Discovery using SOMAscan®: Diurnal Rhythms, Pregnancy and Tuberculosis Risk
12:00 pm 04:00 pm Ski Break
04:00 pm 04:30 pm Keynote 2
Carlos Oliveira
Creating molecular diagnostic tests with supervised learning using time-to-event data
04:30 pm 04:40 pm OP 08
High-grade serous ovarian cancer subtypes are similar across populations

Gregory Way, University of Pennsylvania
04:40 pm 04:50 pm OP 09
Machine learning and genomic analysis to predict drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Gargi Datta, University of Colorado School of Medicine, National Jewish Health
04:50 pm 05:00 pm OP 10
Venom Peptides as Therapeutic Agents: Can we use Phylogenetics to Inform Drug Discovery?

Joseph Romano, Columbia University
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05:00 pm 05:20 pm Break
05:20 pm 05:30 pm OP 11
05:30 pm 05:40 pm OP 12
Visualizing Robustness of Complex Phenotype and Biomarker Associations

Michael Hinterberg, University of Colorado-Denver
05:40 pm 05:50 pm OP 13
Computational methods to analyze HNSCC samples with immune response

Ashok Sivakumar, Johns Hopkins University
05:50 pm 06:00 pm OP 14
06:30 pm 09:30 pm Banquet, Thursday
December 10, 2015

Location: Il Poggio Restaurant
Snowmass Village
(Transportation provided from Viceroy Hotel Lobby beginning at 6:30 pm)
FRIDAY – December 11, 2015
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LOCATION: Ballroom
08:30 am 09:30 am Breakfast
08:30 am 05:30 pm Registration
09:30 am 10:15 am Keynote 3
Larry Gold
Proteomics 101
10:15 am 10:25 am OP 15
REPdenovo: Inferring de novo repeat motifs from short sequence reads

Yufeng Wu, University of Connecticut
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10:25 am 10:35 am OP 16
Molecular Modeling, dynamics and Virtual Screening studies to identify potent CLDN-4 inhibitors

Jayanthi Sivaraman, VIT University
10:35 am 10:45 am OP 17
A comparison of genetically matched cell lines reveals the equivalence of human iPSCs and ESCs

Soohyun Lee, Harvard Medical School
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10:45 am 11:05 am Break
11:05 am 11:15 am OP 18
Examination of risk factors for nontuberculous mycobacterial infections among National Jewish Health hospital patients in the United States

Ettie Lipner, University of Colorado Denver
11:15 am 11:25 am OP 19
Detection and interpretation of extrachromosomal microDNAs from next-generation sequencing data

Mark Maienschein-Cline, University of Illinois at Chicago
11:25 am 11:35 am OP 20
A genetic analysis of a complex trait in a “genetically intractable” gut microbe

Sena Bae, Duke University
11:35 am 11:45 am OP 21
iSeGWalker a easy handling de novo genome reconstruction dedicated to small sequence

Benjamin Saintpierre, Institut Pasteur
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11:45 am 04:00 pm -->Ski Break

Group Hike
(see Suzi at Registration Desk)
04:00 pm 04:30 pm Keynote 4
Max Alekseyev
Scaffold Assembly Based on the Analysis of Gene Orders and Genomic Repeats
04:30 pm 04:40 pm OP 22
Spatial modeling of drug delivery routes for treatment of disseminated ovarian cancer

Kimberly Kanigel Winner, University of Colorado
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04:40 pm 04:50 pm OP 23
Hypothesis independent test development using mass spectrometry data from patient clinical groups reveals underlying biological pathways

Krista Meyer, Biodesix, Inc
04:50 pm 05:00 pm OP 24
Alignment-free approach for reads classification within a single metagenomic dataset

Lusine Khachatryan, Leiden University Medical Centre
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05:00 pm 05:20 pm Break
05:20 pm 05:30 pm OP 25
The Virome of Red Sea Brine Pool Sediments

Sherry Aziz, American University in Cairo
05:30 pm 05:40 pm OP 26
Genomic Big Data: scalability challenges and solutions

Faraz Faghri, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
05:40 pm 05:50 pm OP 27
Identification of chromatin accessibility from nucleosome occupancy and methylome sequencing

Jeong-Hyeon Choi, Georgia Regents University
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05:50 pm 06:00 pm OP 28
Charting the human genome’s regulatory landscape with transcription factor binding site predictions

Xi Chen, New York University
06:00 pm 06:30 pm Keynote 5
Casey S. Greene
Unsupervised discovery from large gene expression compendia with ADAGE

ROCKY 2014 slides
Ciick here to view slides.
06:30 pm 08:30 pm Poster Session:
- Information for presenters
- Detailed Poster Abstracts
- Brief Poster List
SATURDAY – December 12, 2015
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LOCATION: Ballroom
08:30 am 09:30 am Breakfast
08:30 am 11:30 am Registration
09:30 am 10:00 am Keynote 6
Kirk E. Jordan
Data Centric Systems (DCS): Architecture and Solutions for High Performance Computing, Big Data and High Performance Analytics for the Life Sciences
10:00 am 10:10 am OP 29
Recursive Indirect Paths Modularity (RIP-M) for Detecting Uniform Community Structure in RNA-Seq Co-Expression Networks

Bahareh Rahmani, University of Tulsa
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10:10 am 10:20 am OP 30
Automatic Recovery of Toulmin Explanations from Full Text Papers

Elizabeth White, UC Denver, AMC
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10:20 am 10:30 am OP 31
Tracking Cell Cycle Progression with Single Cell Resolution during T Cell Responses

Andrey Kan, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
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10:30 am 10:50 am Break
10:50 am 11:00 am OP 32
Detection and disambiguation of geospatial locations for phylogeography

Davy Weissenbacher, Arizona State University
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11:00 am 11:10 am OP 33
Reconstructing chromosome conformation by fluorescence microscopy

Brian Ross, University of Colorado
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11:10 am 11:20 am OP 34
NGSCheckMate: Software for ensuring sample identity in next-generation sequencing studies, with or without alignmen

Soohyun Lee, Harvard Medical School
11:20 am 11:30 am OP 35
Modularity optimization by conformational space annealing

Jooyoung Lee, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
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11:30 am 12:00 pm Keynote 7
Lei Xie
Precision drug rescue and drug repurposing using structural systems pharmacology
12:00 pm   Closing
