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2005 Overton Prize Winner
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THE PDF Copyright
© 2005 International Society for Computational Biology. All rights reserved. | Dr.
Ewan Birney Named as the 2005 Overton Prize Winner!
International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) has announced
that Dr. Ewan Birney of the EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute
(EBI), will receive the 2005 Overton Prize, which honors outstanding
accomplishment of a scientist in the early- to mid-stage of his
or her career who has already made a significant contribution to
the field of computational biology through research, education,
service, or a combination of the three.
"Dr. Birney is best known for his advocacy of open source bioinformatics,
and his generous contributions to the BioPerl community. Perhaps
even more important to biology is his leadership of the Ensembl
genome annotation project, providing rapid and accurate computational
annotations for eukaryotic genomes. Dr. Birney follows his own advice,
and credits the success of the Ensembl project to the open source
development model," said Dr. Lawrence Hunter of the University
of Colorado Health Sciences Center, the ISCB's founder and current
chair of the ISCB Awards Committee.
He added, "Dr. Birney is not only a hugely productive scientist,
but he started young: his first bioinformatics tools, Pairwise and
Searchwise, were published when he was an undergraduate at Oxford,
and their successor, GeneWise, is still in broad use more than a
decade after its introduction."
The prize will be awarded at the ISCB's annual meeting, Intelligent
Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), in Detroit, Michigan, from
June 25 through 29. Dr. Birney will deliver the annual Overton keynote
lecture on the final day of the conference at 8:30a.m.
Dr. Birney trained as a biochemist at Oxford University and completed
his doctoral studies in gene prediction with Dr. Richard Durbin
at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. He moved to the EBI in 2000
to coordinate the EBI's contribution to Ensembl, a joint project
with the Sanger Institute to provide a comprehensive, automatically
generated annotation for the genomes of higher animals. Currently
Ensembl serves a million pages a week and has been used to generate
gene sets for several genomes, including human, mouse, rat and chicken.
Dr. Birney is a co-leader of the open-source bioinformatics toolkit
Bioperl and President of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation, which
supports the development of several bioinformatics toolkits.
He said, "Making software source code and scientific data freely
available is the best way to ensure scientific progress." Earlier
this year Dr. Birney was awarded the 2005 Benjamin Franklin Award,
which recognizes scientists who advocate open access to software
and other materials in the bioinformatics.
The Overton Prize was established by the ISCB in memory of G. Christian
Overton, a major contributor to the field of bioinformatics and
member of the ISCB Board of Directors who died unexpectedly in 2000.
Previous recipients are Dr. Uri Alon of the Weizmann Institute of
Science C2004), Dr. W. James Kent of the University of California,
Santa Cruz (2003), Dr. David Baker of the University of Washington
(2002), and Dr. Christopher Burge of the Massachussets Institute
of Technology C2001).
For further information on each of these past winners please visit
the ISCB website at http://www.iscb.org/overton.shtml.