ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference on Bioinformatics 2013 

Thank you for your interest in submitting a paper or poster to the conference.  Submission is now closed. 

Registration is still available online through 6 March.

Paper and poster acceptance will be determined within one week of the conference.

Financial support is not available.



** Paper Submission Site - Click here ** 

** Poster Submission Site - Click here ** 

Paper and Poster deadline is 4 March 2013


Papers and posters are intended to convey a scientific result that is original work, and are not advertisements for commercial software packages.

The conference organizers are currently negotiating with a publisher for publication of the ISCB Africa ASBCB Confernece Proceedings a special issue or supplement. News about this will be posted to this page as it becomes available.

Conference sessions will be organized within the topic areas listed below. Papers and posters may cover any area of computational biology, and any accepted papers covering an area other than those listed below will be woven into the agena at the most appropriate slots available:

  • Host/pathogen systems biology
  • Bioinformatics of human genetics
  • Molecular epidemiology and evolution
  • Functional, structural and comparative genomics
  • Database and resource development
  • Search and design of vaccines and drugs

All paper and poster abstracts must be a maximum of 250 words (to appear in the conference booklet) and should provide at the least the following information within them: background information, approach/methods, results and conclusions (actual headings within the abstract are not necessary).

For paper submissions, authors are required to submit an additional paragraph of up to 250 words stating the relevance of the work for the purpose of convincing reviewers of the scientific content/validity; these additional 250 words will not be published and are for reviewing purposes only.