CLC bio
CLC bio is the world's leading bioinformatics solution provider. Next Generation Sequencing is a major focus area and CLC bio delivers the first and only comprehensive cross-platform analysis solution, which can analyze and visualize data from all major platforms, like Illumina's Genome Analyzer, SOLiD by Applied Biosystems, 454 by Roche, and HeliScope by Helicos.
Springer (www.springer.com) is the second-largest publisher of journals in the science, technology, and medicine (STM) sector and the largest publisher of STM books. It publishes on behalf of more than 300 academic associations and professional societies. Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media, one of the leading suppliers of scientific and specialist literature.
Applied Biosystems
Applied Biosystems, a global leader in the commercialization of DNA sequencing platforms and part of Life Technologies Corporation, with Invitrogen, markets the life science industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of solutions for molecular and cell biology. Through its Software Development Community the company invite the bioinformatics community to address the challenges of analyzing data generated by ultra-high-throughput technology.
For more information about the SOLiD System or the Software Development Community please visit:
http://solid.appliedbiosystems.com or
BioMed Central
BioMed Central is the open access publisher committed to the free widespread dissemination of scientific research. BioMed Central publishes over 190 peer-reviewed open access journals, including BMC Bioinformatics and BMC Systems Biology. Visit the BioMed Central stand to learn more about the journals and the benefits of open access publishing.
Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC)
The Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC) is a network organisation of collaborating academic and industrial researchers from various disciplines. Together, they have created a lively bioinformatics and e-bioscience community that performs internationally competitive bioinformatics research, offers expertise and support, develops novel tools and educates the next generations of bioinformaticians.
The mission of EMBL-EBI is to provide freely available data and bioinformatics services to the entire scientific community in ways that promote scientific progress, also to contribute to the advancement of biology through basic investigator-driven research in bioinformatics, to provide advanced bioinformatics training and to help disseminate cutting-edge technologies.
The Royal Society
J. R. Soc. Interface publishes high quality research at the interface of the physical and life sciences. Both sides of the interface are considered equally and it is one of the only journals to cover this exciting new territory. J. R. Soc. Interface welcomes contributions on a diverse range of topics, including but not limited to; biocomplexity, bioengineering, bioinformatics, biomaterials, biomechanics, bionanoscience, biophysics, chemical biology, computer science (as applied to the life sciences), medical physics, synthetic biology, systems biology, theoretical biology and tissue engineering.
The RCSB PDB and the PSI Structural Genomics Knowledgebase are resources for researchers and students studying the biological macromolecules and their relationships to sequence, function, and disease. RCSB PDB provides access to experimentally-determined proteins and nucleic acids structures, and the PSI-SGKB is a portal to structures, models, methods and more.
Accelrys Inc.
Accelrys develops and commercialises scientific business intelligence software and solutions that help accelerate science for clients in the Life Sciences, Energy, Chemicals, Aerospace, and Consumer Packaged Goods industries. Our solutions are used by biologists, chemists, materials scientists, IT and business professionals to aggregate, analyse, simulate, and visualise scientific data. Our scientifically aware platform and predictive science tools help clients conduct experiments in-silico, make informed decisions, and reduce times for product development.
Oxford University Press / Oxford Journals
www.oup.com / www.oxfordjournals.org
OUP publishes some of the most respected scientific books and journals in the world, including Bioinformatics, an official journal of the ISCB. The top-ranked journal publishes high quality research with a focus on new developments in genome bioinformatics and computational biology. OUP also publishes Nucleic Acids Research, Briefings in Bioinformatics, and Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics. New to Oxford in 2009 is Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation.
PLoS Computational Biology
PLoS Computational Biology (www.ploscompbiol.org) is an online, peer-reviewed journal publishing works of exceptional significance that further our understanding of living systems through the application of computational methods. It features high-quality Research Articles, invited Reviews and Perspectives, Tutorials, and the popular editorial series of "Ten Simple Rules". As an official journal of the ISCB, it also includes a Message from the Society. All PLoS journals are open access and freely available to read, copy, distribute and use without limits, provided the original authors and source are cited.
International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)
The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB - www.iscb.org) organizes and hosts the Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), now in its 16th year. The mission of ISCB is to advance the scientific understanding of living systems through computation. On behalf of its global membership, ISCB communicates the significance of our science to the larger scientific community, governments, and the public at large, thus impacting government and scientific policies.
Primary activities include providing high quality publications and meetings, and distributing valuable information about training, education, employment and relevant news from related fields. ISCB membership offers many benefits including reduced conference registration fees to several high impact conferences, most prominently ISMB, ECCB, PSB and RECOMB. ISCB proudly offers the open-access PLoS Computational Biology as its official journal, and publishes the ISMB conference proceedings in partnership with Oxford University Press in open-access format as part of a regular issue of Bioinformatics. In addition, ISCB members enjoy exclusive subscription discounts on a selection of journals related to computational biology and bioinformatics.
The MIT Press
The MIT Press publishes a distinguished programme of scholarly books in
Computational Molecular Biology and related biological sciences. New titles
in 2009 include The Processes of Life by Lawrence Hunter,
Combinatorics of Genome Rearrangements by Guillaume Fertin et al., and
Modeling Biological Processes by Russell Schwartz. New and backlist titles
will be available at 20% discount to delegates during the conference.
We welcome the submission of proposals and manuscripts for consideration;
our Acquisition Editor, Robert Prior, will be available during the
conference to talk to you.
The mission of ELIXIR is to construct and operate a sustainable infrastructure for biological information in Europe to support life science research and its translation to medicine and the environment, the bio-industries and society.
Active Motif
The TimeLogic biocomputing solutions from Active Motif utilize Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology to accelerate BLAST, Smith-Waterman and HMM sequence comparisons within a desktop or mini-cluster. Visit us to see how our NextEngine FPGA solutions can streamline your sequence alignment and genome annotation projects while preserving your research budget. http://www.timelogic.com
BIOBASE is the leading provider of biological databases, knowledge tools and software for the life science industry. Our product portfolio, referred as the BIOBASE Knowledge Library (BKL), includes industry standards such as TRANSFAC®, TRANSPATH®, PROTEOME™ databases.
Our powerful systems biology tool ExPlain™ helps you identify potential targets, biomarkers and to understand the mechanism of action of your drug molecule.
Our third party database HGMD® represents the only comprehensive collection of data available on germ-line mutations in nuclear genes underlying or associated with human inherited disease."
IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®
IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system® is the global reference in immunogenetics and immunoinformatics, built on IMGT-ONTOLOGY. IMGT® is a high-quality integrated knowledge resource specialized in the immunoglobulins (IG) or antibodies, T cell receptors (TR), MHC, IgSF and MhcSF, and related proteins of the immune system. IMGT® consists of databases (IMGT/LIGM-DB, IMGT/GENE-DB, IMGT/3Dstructure-DB), interactive online tools for sequence, genome and 3D structure analysis, and more than 10 000 pages of synthesis and knowledge. IMGT® is used by academics and companies in fundamental and medical research and in biotechnology related to antibody engineering.
ISCB Student Council
ISCB Student Council (SC, www.iscbsc.org ) is an international network of young researchers in the broader disciplines of the field of Computational Biology. SC provides opportunities for networking, career enhancement and skills development for the next generation of Computational Biology leaders. The SC Symposium (symposium.iscbsc.org) is organized as a part of the annual ISMB conference with student presentations, keynotes, panel discussions and a poster session. The SC Career Central booth is an endeavor to address the needs of recruiters and job seekers at ISMB. We will also be providing resume critique services to students and post-docs searching for jobs.
Biomax Informatics AG
Biomax provides computational solutions for better decision making and knowledge management in the life science industry. Our flexible and comprehensive solutions provide access to relevant knowledge at the right time and in the right context. Biomax helps customers generate value from proprietary and public resources by extracting the knowledge indispensable for efficient data exploration and interpretation. Biomax focuses on integrating information to enable a knowledge-based approach to develop innovative life science products.
Spain Bioinformatics National Institute, INB
INB stands for the Bioinformatics National Institute of Spain. The INB is a technological platform that ofers services, support and collaboration on bioinformatics to the scientific community in Spain and abroad. The INB is organized as a virtual institute composed by a network of 9 nodes specialiced in different areas of bioinformatics, coordianted by the Central Node located in the CNIO, Madrid (Spain).
CRC Press & Taylor & Francis
A premier publisher of scientific and technical books, journals, and electronic databases. Visit our booth to learn about our key textbooks and special offers on new and bestselling titles. Pick up free sample copies of our journals and sign up for a free trial of our online reference libraries.
Chemical Computing Group, Inc.
Chemical Computing Group’s MOE and PSILO are the leading application software systems for drug discovery and protein structure. Recent advances include enhanced homology and tailored antibody modeling. MOE is based on Scientific Vector Language, enabling support of all platforms, easy customization, deployment and integration, and the highest level of support.
FASEB MARC Program provides a variety of activities to support the training of minority students, postdoctorates, faculty and scientists in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. We offer travel awards for scientific meetings, research conferences, and student summer research opportunities programs. We also sponsor Career Development Programs including grantsmanship training seminars.
Synamatix provides a wide range of bioinformatics solutions and services for the analysis of data from next-generation sequencing platforms. Our proprietary integrated software solutions are designed to handle analytical processes such as SNP and structural variation identification, de novo genome assembly and differential gene expression.
Ariadne's Pathway Studio(R) streamlines hypothesis generation by creating visual interactive networks of biological relationships extracted from public and in-house databases. By providing immediate access to freshly published scientific information on molecular interactions between genes, proteins, cellular processes, chemicals, and diseases, scientists are enabled with a rapid, integrative and targeted approach for hypothesis generation and experimental decision-making.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press advances learning, knowledge and research worldwide. It is an integral part of the University of Cambridge and for centuries has extended its research and teaching activities by making available worldwide through its printing and publishing a remarkable range of academic and educational books, journals, and examination papers. For millions of people around the globe, the publications of the Press represent their only real link with the University of Cambridge.