Call for Proceedings - ISMB/ECCB 2015
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: Yves Moreau, Ku Leuven, Belgium, and
Niko Beerenwinkel, ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland
Call for Proceedings Submission Site: -- Closed
ISMB/ECCB 2015 will bring together Bioinformaticians and Computational Biologists working in a wide range of disciplines, including molecular biology, biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics. Papers that demonstrate both the development of new computational techniques and their application to Molecular and Systems Biology, with significant outcomes to biomedical, agricultural, and environmental questions are especially encouraged.
Proceedings Submission Deadline | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Review Process:
Submissions will be subject to two rounds of reviews, allowing the authors to reply to the reviewer comments. In the first round the submissions will be classified into three categories: (a) accept/minor changes, (b) major changes, and (c) not accepted. Papers in the first category will be accepted without a second round of review. Authors of submissions in the second category will be given the opportunity to submit revised drafts based on the reviewer comments, with letters of reply to the reviewers outlining the main changes and/or giving counter arguments to the reviewer points. We expect the majority of papers to fall in categories (a) and (c), with category (b) reserved for papers that the reviewers identified as strong but with substantial issues that need to be addressed. Among the resubmitted papers, the second round of review will select the most suitable papers for presentation. These will be published in the Bioinformatics journal and presented at the conference. The authors of submissions that will not be accepted in the second round will be given the opportunity to be redirected to an on-line issue of the Bioinformatics journal (fully citable; equal to regular publication in this journal), subjected to the Editorial considerations of Bioinformatics.
New for 2015 will be the presentation of talks by Thematic area. Oral presentations from accepted submissions from Highlights, Proceedings and Late Breaking Research will be presented by theme area. These themes are:
- Gene Regulation & Transcriptomics
- Evolution and Comparative Genomics
- RNA Bioinformatics
- Sequence Analysis
Includes work in genes (including non-coding RNA), transcriptomes, genomes and variation.
- Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics
- Protein Interact & Molecular Networks
- Protein Structure & Function
Includes analysis of proteins and their structures and proteomics.
- Metabolic Networks
- Population Genomics
This theme includes higher level systems such as cells, tissues, whole organisms and ecosystems. Includes systems biology, molecular interactions and genetic regulation.
- Disease Models & Epidemiology
Includes analysis of mutations, phenotypes, drugs, epidemiology and other clinically relevant areas.
- Databases, Ontologies, & Text Mining
- Bioimaging & Data Visualization
- Applied Bioinformatics
Includes data and text-mining, ontologies, databases and machine learning approaches that do not fit in other categories.
Research areas that do not fall within the five (5) main thematic areas. The organizers may, at their discretion, move submissions to other thematic areas.
Submitters will choose the track area best suited to their paper during the submission process. The Area Chairs will be announced shortly.
Area | Area Chair |
Applied Bioinformatics | Thomas Lengauer, Christophe Dessimoz |
Bioimaging & Data Visualization | Robert Murphy |
Databases, Ontologies & Text Mining | Hagit Shatkay, Helen Parkinson |
Disease Models & Epidemiology | Simon Kasif, Alice McHardy |
Evolution & Comparative Genomics | Bernard Moret, Louxin Zhang |
Gene Regulation & Transcriptomics | Uwe Ohler, Zohar Yakhini |
Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics | Olga Vitek, Knut Reinert |
Metabolic Networks | Hidde de Jong, Bonnie Berger |
Population Genomics | Russel Schwartz, Jennifer Listgarten |
Protein Interactions & Molecular Networks | Natasa Przulj, Igor Jurisica |
Protein Structure & Function | Anna Tramontano, Torsten Schwede |
RNA Bioinformatics | Hanah Margalit, Jerome Waldispuhl |
Sequence Analysis | Michael Brudno, Siu Ming Yiu |
Relevant computational techniques include, but are not limited to: machine learning; data mining; text analysis; pattern recognition; knowledge representation; databases; data modeling; combinatorics; stochastic modeling; string and graph algorithms; linguistic methods; robotics; constraint satisfaction; data visualization; parallel computation; data integration; modelling and simulation.
Papers will be assigned to Track Areas and three reviews sought. Papers may be moved between areas as appropriate - this is often necessary for load balance and fit between areas during the review process. Accepted papers will be published as conference proceedings in an open access, online-only, section of a regular issue of the Bioinformatics journal with an electronic version distributed to conference delegates. The proceedings will be available online approximately one month prior to the conference opening.
Publication of the proceedings as an online part of the Bioinformatics journal will result in fully citable articles, indexed by Medline and ISI. See the conference proceedings for ISMB/ECCB 2013 for an example of online-only publication by Oxford University Press.
ISMB/ECCB 2015 provide authors of accepted papers an oral presentation to provide an oral summary of their work. All presentations should be no longer than 15 minutes and will be followed by a maximum of 3-minute discussions
Papers can be submitted in either a template-free format or in the format following the template for author submission to the OUP journal bioinformatics. If the OUP template is used the paper length must not exceed nine pages. If the template-free format is used the length of the paper must not exceed 12 pages (single space, 12 point font), including abstract, figures, tables, and bibliography. In either case, the paper must contain an abstract whose length does not exceed 250 words.
After acceptance papers will have to be formatted according to the layout style required by the OUP bioinformatics journal and will be limited to 9 pages. Formatting requirements can be found at:
If absolutely necessary, submissions can be accompanied by supplementary material, similar to submissions to scientific journals. The supplementary material should be collected in a separate file that is appropriately marked and uploaded as an attachment on the paper submission page in EasyChair. However, we advise against adding supplementary material, in general. Supplementary material will be published on the proceedings site alongside the online version of the conference paper. We do not support supplementary material presented at any other than the publisher's site. Additionally, OUP does not edit or typeset supplementary data - it is uploaded online exactly as it is received, so authors must ensure its accuracy before submitting.
Papers should be submitted in their final form since the evaluation procedure does not allow for additional rounds of refinement / modification in response to referee criticisms. Poor quality submissions or insufficiently prepared papers are very often rejected. Paper presenters must register and pay to attend and present at the conference.
Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously unpublished work. At the time the paper is submitted to ISMB/ECCB 2015, and for the entire review period, the paper should not be under review by any other conference or scientific journal.
Papers will be accepted electronically, in PDF format only, at the submission site until Friday, January 16, 2015 (midnight any time zone).
Notification of submissions selected for second rounds will be notified by February, 13, 2015. The revised submission deadline for these second round papers will be March 13, 2015. Conditional acceptance will be provided by e-mail no later than April 6, 2015. Final, corrected versions of accepted papers, which must conform to the formatting guidelines available when the paper is accepted, are due no later than April 10, 2015 and Final acceptance notification is April 17, 2015. Details of the submission process and format of accepted papers will be provided at the time of paper acceptance.
For questions concerning the scientific content of submissions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..